• Little Italy

    Date: 2014.05.13 | Category: Art | Tags:


    little italy

    This 8×10 oil pastel I made specifically for a laundry room. When doing little detail like stairs and eyes, it’s good to work on it upside down for a while. The picture i was referencing below had everything I needed, making this one easy. There was a lady in the doorway who I chose to digitally remove. The laundry was also a neon yellow and some other colors that didn’t go with the home I was designing it for. So, I changed those colors as well digitally before beginning.  I wanted the viewer to be able to picture themselves in Italy, not in their laundry room. Similar to staging a home, when you take out photos of your family, so the buyer can easily picture their family in the home. Anyone who has worked with oil pastels knows they are similar fat soft crayons and can be very sloppy and anything but precise.  However, they have now become my favorite medium to work with.


    little italyOil Pastel 8×10 – Krystal Marie