• Dirty Room

    Date: 2014.10.14 | Category: Art | Tags: ,,,,


    Dirty Room

    That weird assignment where you have to use a new medium, and make it fit on a 8×10 piece of illustration board.

    Growing up I was known for my dirty room. I moved out after High School and had my own apartment.  Suddenly my room was spotless. Amazing how ownership can empower.

    I found a bag of clothes marked for good will, and used a few of the worn out items. Cutting them up, I then glued them on the board, and stood on it for an hour while they dried. Fun times. I still had to consider composition, visual direction, visual balance, weight, and so on. Especially perceived physical weight. There isn’t an intriguing optical center, although the visual direct makes certain it is dead center.

    Krystal Marie
    I'm a Mormon.